Saturday, July 28, 2012
So confusing right....i dont know what to do....dont know what to to dad said " stop acting like a child, grown up girl"...Being at home for more than 2 month is really make me think what should i do next in my life...everything seem like it not going well with me...what am i waiting for....what am i so scared to do thing be independence without hoping others to help me or accompany me where iwant to go....this thing should stop the age of 24 im still cant make the right thing in my life..being an unemployed person is really not that great...especially when u want to buy something but u dont have the money....the condition is getting worse right now...honestly im tired with all this..mentally and physically..
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
keep hurting myself again n again n again...emotionally..jgn terlalu berharap last2 aku gak yg skt ati...need to end this soon!!!!!
Friday, January 27, 2012
seriously...jeles ke aku ek...ntah la...yg pasti aku cm x le trima skarg yg dia dah nak kawin..dgan jiran aku lak tu merangkap anak pada bos ayah aku...the truth is im totally shocked bila tgk kad kawin tu...btul ke nama yg tertulis kat kad tu,,,impossible!!first thing yg berlegar kat kpala otak aku..dia yg 10 taun lepas kwn aku yg rapat tetiba2 jd musuh hanya sebb salah paham...smpai skrg pun x bertegur..masa jd form 2 smpai form 3 trus jadi cam musuh..x bertegur sapa...hanya melihat dan memandang dari jauh...even kalo terserempak pun wat2 x kenal...aku x berdendam cuma keadaan akan jd awkward sgt...lebih baik mcm im wondering whether i go to the wedding or not...seriously...sgt2 menggangu jiwa..BTW: SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU MY FRIEND.SEMOGA KEKAL KE ANAK CUCU...
Tuesday, January 3, 2012