Sunday, December 25, 2011
what i need is a husband not a boyfriend.!!!!!!
0 comments Posted by Sw33T 4PpL3 at Sunday, December 25, 2011tiba la masa untuk aku mengarut lg..currently alone at home without my housemate, with a research that not done yet but im writing at the blog..nice right???bila sorg2 ni dtgla idea nak mengarut kan..ari jumaat lepas ya (housemate aku) tunjuk satu video kat youtube about jodoh mak ayah tentukan..bila tgk video tu aku terpkir (actually dah lama pun pkir psl ni), apa yg aku nak skrg ni bukan seorg pakwe but seorang husband (ayat desperate!!desperate ke???hahahah)... aku percaya cinta selepas kawin ni lg seronok n watching that video it make me want someone like him but not everybody will faced the same thing right. JODOH DITANGAN ALLAH n i believe in, skrg ni tinggal lg seminggu nak habis praktikal n after that bye2 Sungai Buloh n Hello Muar...n SELAMAT MENGANGGUR