Saturday, July 28, 2012

So confusing right....i dont know what to do....dont know what to to dad said " stop acting like a child, grown up girl"...Being at home for more than 2 month is really make me think what should i do next in my life...everything seem like it not going well with me...what am i waiting for....what am i so scared to do thing be independence without hoping others to help me or accompany me where iwant to go....this thing should stop the age of 24 im still cant make the right thing in my life..being an unemployed person is really not that great...especially when u want to buy something but u dont have the money....the condition is getting worse right now...honestly im tired with all this..mentally and physically..

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


keep hurting myself again n again n again...emotionally..jgn terlalu berharap last2 aku gak yg skt ati...need to end this soon!!!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

seriously...jeles ke aku ek...ntah la...yg pasti aku cm x le trima skarg yg dia dah nak kawin..dgan jiran aku lak tu merangkap anak pada bos ayah aku...the truth is im totally shocked bila tgk kad kawin tu...btul ke nama yg tertulis kat kad tu,,,impossible!!first thing yg berlegar kat kpala otak aku..dia yg 10 taun lepas kwn aku yg rapat tetiba2 jd musuh hanya sebb salah paham...smpai skrg pun x bertegur..masa jd form 2 smpai form 3 trus jadi cam musuh..x bertegur sapa...hanya melihat dan memandang dari jauh...even kalo terserempak pun wat2 x kenal...aku x berdendam cuma keadaan akan jd awkward sgt...lebih baik mcm im wondering whether i go to the wedding or not...seriously...sgt2 menggangu jiwa..BTW: SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU MY FRIEND.SEMOGA KEKAL KE ANAK CUCU...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012



- Currently and officially "penganggur terhormat". "need to find job fast sblum aku membesarkan lg badan yg dah sedia besar"
- Officially 24 years old.."walaupun baru sebulan aku masuk 23 taun"
- 3 January 2012 at 11.39pm currently jeles sbb kawan aku dh dpt keje...
- Stuck with unfinished research and viva..
- A lot of brilliant ideas of not getting out from the house and just working at home but nothing work as the way it should be.."berangan lebih" sebenarnye.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

tiba la masa untuk aku mengarut lg..currently alone at home without my housemate, with a research that not done yet but im writing at the blog..nice right???bila sorg2 ni dtgla idea nak mengarut kan..ari jumaat lepas ya (housemate aku) tunjuk satu video kat youtube about jodoh mak ayah tentukan..bila tgk video tu aku terpkir (actually dah lama pun pkir psl ni), apa yg aku nak skrg ni bukan seorg pakwe but seorang husband (ayat desperate!!desperate ke???hahahah)... aku percaya cinta selepas kawin ni lg seronok n watching that video it make me want someone like him but not everybody will faced the same thing right. JODOH DITANGAN ALLAH n i believe in, skrg ni tinggal lg seminggu nak habis praktikal n after that bye2 Sungai Buloh n Hello Muar...n SELAMAT MENGANGGUR

bab2 ni ada jek idea aku tp nak wat recommendations research x leh pikir plak..SENGAL!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

suddenly in the jiwang mood..hehehhe...baru jek habis baca this novel so much...nak tau x kenapa..sbbnye novel ni mcm kisah aku walau pn x seratus peratus sama but novel ni mcm menceritakan apa yg aku rasa n aku lalui...aku jarang touching kalo baca novel but this novel can make me cry hard..this is abnormal.."akhirnya aku kahwin" tajuknye ntah pe2 ntah..bak kata gegurl)nama sebenar boboy, aku jek pgl dia gegurl..heheheh) officemate aku..ko ni dah napa baca novel ni..dah gtl nak kawin ke..aku rasa dia lg gatal dari aku sbbnye umur baru masuk 25 anak dah nak dua..aku ni baru 23..jgn kata nak kawin.,.pakwe pun xde..cmne...sbb utama aku beli novel ni cause synopsis dia dah cerita kat situ cite ni pasl minah debab..disebabkan aku ni pun debab walaupn x brapa nak debab tp kategori overweight aku pun beli la..untk memotivasikan diri.hehehhe...satu ayat yg aku paling suka dlm novel ni ialah : sygku berpaksikan kejujuran, kasihku berpaksikan keikhlasan dan cintaku berpaksikan kepada kesetiaan" inila diri aku bila aku bercinta dgn seseorg..bukan niat aku untk memuji diri sndiri tp pada aku..kalo aku berpegang pada prinsip ini insyaallah pasgn ku juga akan berpegang pada prinsip yg sama cuma sygnye slama aku bercinta tak ada sorg pun pakwe aku yg ada prinsip ni...pengalamn mengajar kita erti is true...skrg ni aku cuma berharap akan bertemu dgn lelaki yg memg tercipta untk aku...YA ALLAH MAKBULKANLAH DOA KU

Friday, October 7, 2011

where can i find the right person for me??who is meant for me??over n over n over again...the same thing keep happens to me...yup memg dugaan ALLAH itu bererti DIA syg pada hambanye tp sesungguhnye YA ALLAH dugaanMU ini amat berat untk aku tanggung.....mungkin aku bodoh dlm menilai perhubungan tp adakah aku yg bersalah kalo aku terslah tafsir sedangkan aku dilayan seperti org yg istimewa...aku rasa sgt bodh skrg ni...kenapa??apa slh aku pada kamu2 sekalian wahai lelaki...mempermainkan perasaan adalh perkara yg sgt sensitif..adakah layak ianya dipermainkan hanya untk kepuasan diri....aku hanya berdoa..semoga aku dipertemukan dengan org yg terbaik dan menerima aku seadanya...:melindungi aku dan menghormati aku...semoga doaku ini dimakbulkan..:-)
